
Posts Tagged ‘ham’


I don’t know about you, but I really hate to throw away food. I mean I really, really dislike it. When I have to throw away something out of the fridge, all I can see is dollars and cents going into the trash can. BeeBop and I work pretty darn hard for the money that we (okay, I) spend at the grocery store every week so when I see it being thrown away like that, it just makes me mad.

I had a group of neighborhood ladies over for bunco last Tuesday and one of the things I served was ham biscuits. Little tiny tea biscuits sliced in half with ham inside. Now, if we’d been having ham and biscuits for breakfast I would have just cut the ham into pieces, slapped it inside some biscuits and called it good. But since it was a party and since it was the first time I’d been hostess, I wanted to make sure those ham biscuits were nice and pretty. So, I used my smallest biscuit cutter to cut out little rounds of ham the same size as the biscuits. So cute. So good. So wasteful. I had so many leftover odd-shaped pieces of ham! So, I started looking online for an idea of what to do with all that ham. I knew it could be diced up and used in something and then I came across a recipe on Cooking Light’s web site for these ham and cheese stuffed potatoes. I changed the recipe so much that it really isn’t the same recipe any more, but it sure is good!

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It’s Barefoot Blogger time again! Our second challenge for April was selected by Kathy of All Food Considered, and what a great choice it was! Beebop and I had this for dinner last night with the Salad and Classic Vinaigrette I posted yesterday. A glass of white wine alongside made this a wonderful spring dinner.

I would caution anyone, though, that as is typical of Ina’s dishes, this one is quite rich. One per person is a gracious plenty and the recipe makes eight. Yikes! I made a half recipe and it was far more than we needed for dinner. I’d suggest serving something very light along with this recipe.

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