
Posts Tagged ‘potatoes’


I don’t know about you, but I really hate to throw away food. I mean I really, really dislike it. When I have to throw away something out of the fridge, all I can see is dollars and cents going into the trash can. BeeBop and I work pretty darn hard for the money that we (okay, I) spend at the grocery store every week so when I see it being thrown away like that, it just makes me mad.

I had a group of neighborhood ladies over for bunco last Tuesday and one of the things I served was ham biscuits. Little tiny tea biscuits sliced in half with ham inside. Now, if we’d been having ham and biscuits for breakfast I would have just cut the ham into pieces, slapped it inside some biscuits and called it good. But since it was a party and since it was the first time I’d been hostess, I wanted to make sure those ham biscuits were nice and pretty. So, I used my smallest biscuit cutter to cut out little rounds of ham the same size as the biscuits. So cute. So good. So wasteful. I had so many leftover odd-shaped pieces of ham! So, I started looking online for an idea of what to do with all that ham. I knew it could be diced up and used in something and then I came across a recipe on Cooking Light’s web site for these ham and cheese stuffed potatoes. I changed the recipe so much that it really isn’t the same recipe any more, but it sure is good!

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I saw this recipe several weeks ago on The Duo Dishes and have wanted to try it ever since.  Of course, since I’m one of those cooks who can’t leave well enough alone, I did a little tweaking as I cooked. All in all it was quite successful. BeeBop liked it, too. He even had seconds 🙂

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shortribs_plated1I’m going to go ahead and tell you right now that if you are looking for something to have for dinner on a week night after you’ve worked all day, then this recipe is not what you want. It’s not that it’s complicated or particularly difficult. Not at all. It is, however, a two-day process so it’s best for Sunday night dinner. Also, it’s not as bad as it seems fat-wise. Just hang in with me to the end and you’ll see.


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Crash Hot Potatoes

crash_potatoes_platedI first saw these potatoes on The Pioneer Woman‘s blog. She has some really amazing looking recipes, but this one just jumped off the page. We really like potatoes and what could be bad about combining them with some olive oil and rosemary, one of my favorite herbs. These are really easy to do, but you do have to start them in advance since you’ll be cooking them twice.


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